Tag Archives: facebook

Signing up for Fake Facebook Events – A Scam?

In the last few weeks I seem to have been inundated with events coming up in my Facebook feed which are classed as online events but are actually events that are taking place in real life. I therefore wondered if there was some kind of scam running to get people to sign up for fake Facebook events. Continue reading Signing up for Fake Facebook Events – A Scam?

Making a Facebook ‘Post to Page’ Public

Facebook have changed the way that business pages work and it is often very difficult to find posts that are made to pages and to make them public so that anyone who likes your page can see them.

I have found this problem with a Facebook Page that I manage recently and did find one way of solving the problem of making the post public on a page.

You also used to be able to change a setting that would show posts by other people in your timeline but this is no longer possible. Continue reading Making a Facebook ‘Post to Page’ Public

Has Facebook Gone Down?

There seem to be more and more occasions recently when people are unable to get into Facebook. Sometimes it can be your own issue (perhaps with your wireless connection or with your computer) but other times it may be the case that Facebook has gone down for a large number of people, if not everybody.

Today (20 November 2018) Facebook seems to have gone down or just gone slow for some people but there will likely be other occasions when this happens.

Sometimes you may get a completely blank screen, either with or without an error message or it may be that your feed just loads really slowly or you can’t click through to another area of Facebook.

You may get different messages when Facebook goes down

Inevitably people turn to social media alternatives to find out if Facebook has indeed gone down and the hashtag #facebookdown is a well used one.

If you are looking to find out if Facebook has gone down, or its it is just you,  check out this link so that you can see if there are a bunch of posts from users unable to get into Facebook.

You can also just tweet with the hashtag yourself to add to the conversation that tells people that Facebook is offline!

Why does Facebook go down? Well that could be down to a number of factors including a possible error when an update has been installed and for some reason things haven’t been checked as well as they could have been.