All posts by admin

How Does the Wonka Bar PTA Event Work?

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All PTAs try to put on as many engaging events as they can, not only to raise some much needed funds for the children at their school, but also to bring a bit of fun in if possible. The Wonka Bar event is a popular one with school PTAs but how does it work? Continue reading How Does the Wonka Bar PTA Event Work?

What Can I Do With My Old Stamps?

What can I do with my old stamps
Old stamps can be swapped for new ones

There has been a big change in postage stamps in the UK which means that the old non-barcoded stamps which have been issued prior to 2022 are no longer going to be valid after 31st January 2023. For those people who have stamps around the house after this date that do not have the bar codes on, you may be wondering ‘what can I do with my old stamps?’ Continue reading What Can I Do With My Old Stamps?

Climastar Heating Review

Climastar heating is a new form of electric heating that advertises itself as a cost efficient way of heating your home while replacing night storage heaters. It has been advertised a lot in the Times which is where my mum purchased a system for her new flat. When looking to install this system we couldn’t really find much in the way of a Climastar heating review so I thought I would write one myself.

Continue reading Climastar Heating Review