There was a post on a facebook group I am on recently where someone asked on ideas to feed 4 people for 8 days for less than £20. In fact the specific amount was £17.64 and they actually wanted lunch and dinner but I thought that this was a good challenge to undertake so here is my list of dinners for that amount: Continue reading Feed 4 People for 8 Days for Less Than £20
Category Archives: Shopping

Eco-Friendly Newspaper Kids Party Bags
If, like me, you are trying to do your bit to reduce your waste footprint on the planet and reuse whatever you can, then this is just a small way to help with one of those things that can create unneeded plastic waste at kids birthday parties.
I decided this year that instead of buying (very cheap I have to say) themed plastic party bags I would either make something myself or buy paper bags.
To be fair you can buy reasonably cheap paper party bags so that is always an option, but I wanted to go one step further and make my own. Continue reading Eco-Friendly Newspaper Kids Party Bags
Can’t Get in to eBay
April 23rd – I can’t get in to eBay (the UK version, I can’t test the US version as the problem seems to be with logging in).
The issue isn’t with the home page which I can get to fine, but when I try and log in and see what is happening with My eBay it just hangs – on my phone and my PC.
All other websites seem OK so I don’t think it is a problem with my internet or devices.
I have a few things for sale and I’m not able to get to the selling page or to the My eBay summary page.
I’m also unable to accept a special offer that they emailed me about reduced selling fees so won’t be able to put anything else up for sale until this is sorted.
Unfortunately I also can’t get to the eBay help pages to see if this is a general issue or to ask about it!
Is anyone else having issues with eBay?
eBay Listing Has the Wrong Location
If you are trying to sell something on eBay, you have put in the correct postcode on the selling form but it is still coming up with the wrong location when you view the listing then you are not alone!

Perhaps you have recently moved house or else you are trying to sell something that belongs to a friend or is just located with someone else and the location is showing incorrectly.
The solution to this problem is to use the advanced selling tool. Unfortunate when you list stuff in a standard manner you get the quick listing tool which usually would do everything you wanted to but in this case you will need to switch.
If you have already listed the item then you may find that you have to end the listing and start again (this is what I found I had to do). Although I saw a post that said you could change the listing form when you were revising an item, when I did this it just took me to a new listing.
So I think we can safely assume that if you have this problem you have already listed your item. So to get to the advanced tool you need to start the listing again – once you have entered the title (just copy and paste everything from the old listing) – and you get to the category section, then you will be given the opportunity to switch to the advanced listing tool in the top right hand corner of the page.
Once you are in this listing tool a pop up box will come up for the postcode location and you will need to hit the ‘apply’ button for it to change the location description that will be shown.
Go through adding all the details to your listing again and then end the old listing, yes it is a pain but hopefully once this is done you won’t need to do it again!
Where Can I Get a Waterproof iPod?
So I have recently taken up swimming as a great form of exercise both to keep fit and also to keep my back flexible and stop my back pain. I am not a great swimmer but I can keep going for a bit doing breaststroke and although that is not as good as doing front crawl I’m sure the swimming helps as part of my exercise regime.
However, the more I swim and the more lengths I do, the slightly more boring the swimming gets so I decided to see if I could get a waterproof iPod or some kind of music device to help stop the boredom and keep me swimming for longer.
I am a big music fan and I find that it helps in the gym, particularly on the treadmill to make the time go quicker. However, my everyday iPod will was obviously not going to be any good for swimming and so I had a look for a waterproof iPod, as I wasn’t sure if there was one, and found that there was indeed such a thing.
Actually there are two options for getting music in your ears while you swim and one is to buy a custom waterproof iPod or MP3 player and the other is to buy a waterproof case for your existing iPod or MP3 player. There are companies that take standard iPod shuffles and waterproof them with a 2 year guarantee.
Waterproof iPods
Waterproof iPod Shuffle options | |
Obviously there are pros and cons to each and it is a personal decision as to which one will be better for you but I would suggest the following:
If you are a frequent swimmer then maybe a waterproof iPod would be better then you don’t need to keep taking your iPod out of the waterproof case and also you can load up some songs that are perfect for swimming to. You can also get hold of a smaller iPod shuffle that is easy to attach when you are in the pool.
Waterproof MP3s can also be used in snow and for other watersports and not only for swimming. In fact obviously you can use them whenever but they are designed to work in water so you might as well use them for that!
The iPod can be attached to your goggles and you will also need waterproof headphones or earbuds to go with it. A waterproof iPod can also be used just like a normal iPod.
Waterproof Cases
If you just want to waterproof your iPod for going on holiday then think about getting a waterproof case, there are plenty available and the majority of these are cheaper than buying a waterproof ipod or MP3 player so you don’t have to shell out a lot of money.
You can also just get waterproof cases that will protect your iPhone or other smartphone for when you are at the pool or the beach so that your phone doesn’t get damaged by water.
However, if you are planning to swim with music then it is probably better to get something much smaller and easier to use than using your iPod or iPhone.