Cheap Turkey

Well Christmas is upon us again and the majority of households will probably be eating turkey for their christmas dinner. However, when times are hard as they are for a lot of people right now, one question people might be asking is where to buy a cheap turkey?

Turkey can be quite expensive to buy and if you want a free range or farm turkey then you can be paying tens of pounds for a quality bird. But there are some cheaper options available and one of those is to get a frozen turkey as that can often be a good way of getting a cheap turkey.

Iceland have plenty of options for buying cheap turkey and so that would be my recommendation if you are in the UK. You can buy a turkey breast joint for as little as £6 upwards or even a whole turkey for £8 which will serve 4 to 6 people. They have plenty of other frozen joints too which will be great for a Christmas meal for the family.

So you don’t have to break the bank for Christmas this year if you get down to Iceland for cheap turkey before they sell out!



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