Most Healthy Food at Burger King
Well to start off with it is a question as to what you call the most healthy. Many people have different ideas of what they consider to be healthy, whether that be the items with the lowest number of calories, lowest amount of fat or indeed the carb content of food. In this article we look through the figures as provided by Burger King themselves (they are quite transparent as to the numbers that are contained in each item) and analyse the data from the different categories so that we can present it to you in a way you might find both interesting and surprising!
Please note that when quoting values, although Burger King quote their values to 1 decimal place, we have rounded their figures for ease of display. After all half a calorie is really neither here nor there with some of the numbers!
At the end of the article you can find a summary of which items tend to come out top in all categories – low calorie, low carb and low fat.
Beef, Chicken, Fish and Veggie Options Under 500 Calories

Firstly we will look at the main meal type options as classified above. In this case we have sifted through the data and come up with the options that contain less than 500 calories. In order of total calories from lowest to highest they are as follows:
Garden Salad – 18
Grilled Chicken Salad – 113
Hamburger – 275
Chicken Nuggets (6) – 285
Sweet Chilli Chicken Wrap – 298
Cheeseburger – 316
Whopper Junior – 344
Caesar Chicken Wrap – 346
Rodeo – 360
Chicken Nugget Burger – 367
Chicken Burger – 392
Sweet Chilli Crispy Chicken – 411
Quarter Pound Cheeseburger – 436
Chicken Nuggets (9) – 442
Double Cheeseburger – 460
Big King – 473
Bacon Double Cheese – 477
Sweet Chilli Chicken Royale – 480
Veggie Wrap – 494
Ocean Catch – 499
As you would expect, the salads do well and the chicken dishes are lower in calories than the beef dishes. Also go smaller (e.g. Whopper Jr) and you will obviously eat less calories too!
The one that you might not expect is the Veggie Wrap coming in at 494 calories, nearly 150 more than the caesar chicken wrap.
Sides Dips and Extras Under 250 Calories
We have restricted the list of sides, dips and extras to show only those under 250 calories, as obviously these are extras! So on top of whatever else you have you need to remember to add this lot on…
Tomato Ketchup Dip – 27
BK Fresh Apple Fries – 28
BBQ Dip – 30
Add Bacon – 35
Sweet Chilli Dip – 60
Add Cheese – 83
SATISFRIES (small) – 215
Fries (small) – 222
Onion Rings (5) – 232
Chilli Cheese Bites (4) – 238
Unfortunately a lot of restaurants are no longer serving the SATISFRIES as they were given the option to stop serving them by Burger King when the take up was not as much as they hoped. However, small fries at 222 are only an extra 7 calories.
Soft Drinks Under 125 Calories
Ok so we chose a cut-off of 125 calories for this section as this excluded around 50% of the drinks listed for sale. Most of the higher calorie items were different sizes (or larger servings) of Coca-Cola and Sprite and those under 125 calories are the following:
Water – 0
Regular Diet Coke – 1
Large Diet Coke – 1
Super Diet Coke – 2
Alive – 63
Regular Sprite – 112
Tropicana – 113
Milk – 123
Breakfasts – Calories
With regards to breakfast, the only item that is under 250 calories per serving is the Bacon Butty with Heinz Ketchup which comes in at 216 Kcal. Next best is 6 Mini pancakes and syrup which contain 269 calories – the rest of the breakfast options come in at over 300 calories (most of them a lot more) unless you count the add-ons like hash browns which contain 192 calories for a regular serving.
Desserts and Shakes – Calories
You would expect desserts to be heavily loaded with calories (although perhaps shakes less so) and for the most part you would be right but there are some options that appear to not actually be too bad. Top of the list coming in as the only item on the dessert menu at less than 100 calories is the Ice cream cone. Ice cream often contains less calories than people imagine – often because it contains less cream than you might imagine and more ice!
There are a couple of desserts hovering around the 130 level namely the strawberry sundae at 133 and the regular frozen lemonade at 138. You could also just sneak in a chocolate sundae at 153 calories but after that (apart from the large frozen lemonade) you are looking at over 200 calories and up to a whopping 612 for a large chocolate shake.
In recent years a low carb diet has become one of the more popular ways to eating healthily and perhaps losing some weight. Guidelines differ as to how many grams of carbohydrates are recommended for those on a low carb intake diet, and it is more a case of finding the level for you as each person is different. Certainly it is not recommended to eat less than 50g of carbohydrates a day though.
Again I have rounded out the carb numbers to the nearest gram for ease of reference.
So for the best carb options I had to go with those containing under 40g as there was only one option under 30g as you can see below:
6 Chicken Nuggets (with dip) – 25
Caesar Chicken Wrap – 30
Big King – 32Cheeseburger – 32
Hamburger – 32
Whopper Junior – 33
Double Cheeseburger – 33
Bacon Double Cheese – 34
Sweet Chilli Chicken Wrap – 35
Chicken Nugget Burger – 39
So, coming in under 30g of carbohydrates are the following:
Add Bacon – <1
Add Cheese – 1
Tomato Ketchup Dip – 7
BK Fresh Apple Fries – 7
BBQ Dip – 7
Sweet Chilli Dip – 15
Chilli Cheese Bites (4) – 25
3 Mozarella Sticks (inc dip) – 27
Onion Rings (5) – 28
SATISFRIES (small) – 29
Fries (small) – 29
Breakfast – Carbs
Ok so there are no breakfast items that are lower than 30g of carbs apart from the Hash Browns add-on which contain 22g for the regular size. Other than that the two items with the lowest carbs for breakfast, which are under 40g are the Sausage Butty with Heinz Ketchup containing 34g and the Sausage, Egg and Cheese Butty with Heinz Ketchup containing 37g.
Any amount of diet coke has 0g of carbs so I won’t list all of the quantities, of the rest there are some that have less than 30g as follows: However, that would be quite a lot when added to a similar amount for a meal and extras so take note of what else you are having!
Water – 0
Milk – 13
Alive – 15
Tropicana – 24
Regular Sprite – 26
If you are looking to reduce your carb intake then you may wish to avoid the desserts and the shakes in particular! There is one reasonably good option which again is the ice Cream Cone. This only has 16g of carbohydrates. The next best are 3 that are over 30g and they are the Frozen Lemonade Regular (33g), the Strawberry Sundae (36g) and the Chocolate Sunday (37g).
Top of the list (again) is the large chocolate shake with a whopping 113g.
Low Fat Options
If you are looking for options that are low fat then we have analysed the data on fat content and found the following:
Beef, Chicken, Fish and Veggie Options
Garden Salad – 1
Grilled Chicken Salad – 3
Sweet Chilli Chicken Wrap – 7
Hamburger – 10
Rodeo – 13
Cheeseburger – 13
Caesar Chicken Wrap – 14
6 Chicken Nuggets (with dip) – 14
Whopper Junior – 17
Quarter Pound Cheeseburger – 17
Chicken Royale – 17
Chicken Nugget Burger – 17
Chicken Burger – 20
Sweet Chilli Crispy Chicken – 20
It’s reasonably predictable that the salad options would come out on top but the sweet chilli chicken wrap also comes out favourably.
Soft Drinks – Low Fat
Generally speaking soft drinks do not contain much fat and the only soft drink option that contains above 1g of fat is the milk at 4.3g.
You are never going to go wrong if you opt for water though!
For the dips you can expect very little fat in any of them, in fact the Ketchup, Sweet Chilli and BBQ dips have no fat. Adding bacon only adds 0.4g, so not a lot but adding cheese gives you an extra 6.5g which is significant for a small extra. So at 10g and under all you can get are fries at 10g and SATISFRIES if you can get hold of them at 8.4g.
So we have narrowed down the breakfast options to the ones that contain less than 15g of fat and those are as follows:
Bacon Butty with Heinz Ketchup – 6
6 Mini Pancakes and Syrup – 10
Egg and Cheese Butty with Heinz Ketchup – 12
Sausage Butty with Heinz Ketchup – 13
You could just tip over the 15g with 9 Pancakes and the Bacon, Egg and Cheese Butty but the rest are significantly more.
As the majority of the desserts and shakes come out at under 10g of fat each (apart from the muffins, brownie and toffee sponge which are streets ahead!), we have focused on those items that contain less than 5g of fat each.
This basically covers all of the smoothies – they are all at less than 2g of fat – and the frozen lemonade which has none. The ice cream cone also still fares pretty well at 3.4g.
However, if you are going to Burger King with something more in mind then you might be advised to stick to maybe either a sweet chilli chicken wrap or a hamburger. Obviously water for the drink but otherwise a regular diet coke (unless you are specifically watching carbs) and then the most common item at the top of the healthy list for desserts is the ice cream cone.
Adding regular fries will bump things up a bit but may be an essential part of the meal for you.
So a quick summary gives the following:
Totals for a sweet chilli chicken wrap, regular fries, water and an ice cream cone are:
- Calories: 619
- Carbs: 80g
- Fat: 20g