Category Archives: Shopping

Want to Buy the Raspberry Pi?

If you have heard all of the buzz about the Raspberry Pi recently, which is a computer that you can buy for around £22, then you may be wondering where you can buy the Raspberry Pi?

Well the buzz has been so big that stocks of the small personal computer have already sold out on their launch date. However, more stocks are on the way and although currently you can only buy one piece per order, bulk orders will soon be possible.

The development of the Raspberry Pi was inspired to make schoolchildren more keen on getting into the coding and development of programs that children of the 80’s used to do on simple basic computers like the ZX Spectrum. The ‘computer’ doesn’t come in a case but instead is just a motherboard that can be connected to a monitor or TV.

In future many more jobs will involve some kind of coding or computer programming and the launch of the Raspberry Pi is hoped to encourage schoolchildren to build on these skills and thus be more employable.

Two companies are currently distributing the Raspberry Pi and they are:

Premier Farnell and RS Components 

Can I Buy a Meerkat Toy?

If you are looking to buy a meerkat toy from the ‘compare the meerkat’ people but you don’t actually want or need to buy insurance, then you might be asking ‘where can I buy a meerkat toy?’. Well this is a great marketing ploy as they are not actually selling the meerkat soft toys separately.

There are a few other people who are making meerkat soft toys and you can get hold of one on Amazon for under £10 if you are happy with an imitation, for example check out this meerkat soft toy.

There are a couple of designs although obviously they are not part of the original set of meerkats from the adverts. They are dressed up in a similar manner probably as a substitute for the originals.

However, you can get hold of the original meerkat toys, most likely from those people who have got them free when they bought their insurance and are happy to sell them on. If you check out the listings in eBay then you can find not only Aleksandr, Vassily, Sergei and Maiya.


Cheap Turkey

Well Christmas is upon us again and the majority of households will probably be eating turkey for their christmas dinner. However, when times are hard as they are for a lot of people right now, one question people might be asking is where to buy a cheap turkey?

Turkey can be quite expensive to buy and if you want a free range or farm turkey then you can be paying tens of pounds for a quality bird. But there are some cheaper options available and one of those is to get a frozen turkey as that can often be a good way of getting a cheap turkey.

Iceland have plenty of options for buying cheap turkey and so that would be my recommendation if you are in the UK. You can buy a turkey breast joint for as little as £6 upwards or even a whole turkey for £8 which will serve 4 to 6 people. They have plenty of other frozen joints too which will be great for a Christmas meal for the family.

So you don’t have to break the bank for Christmas this year if you get down to Iceland for cheap turkey before they sell out!



Coldplay’s Mylo Xyloto on Pre-Order

Coldplay’s 5th studio album, Mylo Xyloto will be released on 24th October and is currently available on Amazon on pre-order. With their pre-order guarantee, if the price drops before the release date you will only pay the lowest prices, so it is definitely worth putting in a pre-order for this new Coldplay album that is set to be another best seller.

The new album includes the blockbuster single ‘Every Tear is a Waterfall’ plus a number of tracks that were heard at their big Glastonbury gig and other concerts that they have been playing around the world.

Coldplay’s Mylo Xyloto contains 14 new tracks and will be released on 24th October so get your order in now, whether you are in the UK or the US.



Halloween Costumes

With halloween fast approaching, people are starting to look for the best costume for the best price to wear to this year’s Halloween party! Either that or maybe a Halloween costume is needed for the kids to go out trick or treating in.

Well you have a choice, you can either make your own Halloween costume or you can go out and buy something ready made. Of course it is fun to make a Halloween costume, particularly when you are making it as part of play time that you are having with your children, you can make it into a good fun exercise and way to spend the weekend.  You may need some props in addition to some material to make a costume as well as a sewing machine to put it all together, but if you have the imagination then that is probably the best thing to do.

However, if you are lacking on time and imagination, or even think you may not have the requisite sewing skills to complete the task, then there are plenty of Halloween costumes available for sale. Check out Amazon for some great ideas on Halloween costumes and you might be surprised at what you can find for a very reasonable price: